onsdag 6 februari 2013

Alkaliska dieten -menyförslag


Beetroot, ginger, spinach, carrot juice

Cucumber, fennel, pear, lemon juice

Quinoa flakes with coconut milk and soaked almonds

Soya Yoghurt with homemade nutty granola and raspberries

Bircher Muesli with goji berries


Spinach humous and raw crudites

Homemade sugar-free flapjack

Beetroot and walnut dip

Lunch & Dinner

Brown rice risotto with butternut squash; spinach and sprouts salad

Lentil salad with roasted tomatoes red onion and parsley with baked sweet potato

Soba noodle salad with courgette and carrot noodles sprouts and smoked tofu

Asparagus with crumbled boiled egg and capers with fluffy quinoa and finely chopped roasted carrots

Cucumber salad with coconut and almond flakes with chilli, cumin, basil and rosemary served with brown rice with tamari tofu.

Aromatic dhal served in half a pumpkin with green vegetables

Spelt salad with parsley, edamame beans, mozzarella and lemon zest served with sweet potato on wilted spinach

Raw coleslaw with a chilli lime dressing served with raw ‘summer’ rolls

Broccoli and chili salad with radishes and bulgur Lentils with sweetened nuts, seeds and feta cheese

Red Kidney bean and beetroot salad with fresh herbs and grilled leeks

Alkaliska dieten -livstilen

The Lifestyle

Once you have completed 1-3 weeks of the Cleanse Phase, you can then move onto the Lifestyle, which includes a much broader range of foods. We at HH say that you don’t have to eat perfectly ALL the time, but knowing how to eat in balance is the key.
There is nothing better than home-cooked food - this is the only way to ensure that you know that what you putting in your mouth is fresh, and not adulterated with additives, sweeteners and preservatives.

The use of herbs and spices is not just for flavour - each has it’s own medicinal and healing properties, and we show you just how potent these can be. Whether its ginger root or powder to stimulate, or chamomile to relax, turmeric to boost immunity or chilli peppers to stimulate metabolism, these tasty accompaniments all have a role to play in your health.

In the Lifestyle, we encourage you to plan your day around when you eat rather than the o ther way round! This will enhance your productivity, whether at home or work. Research has shown that moving away from your desk to focus on your midday meal for at least half-an-hour will more than double your productivity.

Eating for exercise is another key point in The Lifestyle. It is no co-incidence that the CEO’s of both small and large businesses are the primary high-level exercisers, so we at HH encourage you to bring regular exercise into your daily life to encourage the release of endorphins and increase serotonin production that helps improve mood.

Managing stress levels through eating the appropriate wholesome and nourishing foods is far better than eating poorly or drinking excessively, both of which only serve
to depress you further. At HH we run by the mantra: and alcohol your current eating regime is!  However, if you are diabetic, or taking prescription medication for any reason at all, please consult your doctor or health specialist before embarking on The Cleanse.



Stilikoner som Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst och Victoria Beckham avslöjar nu deras senaste metod för att hålla sig i form. Kändiskvinnorna har hoppat på många bantningskurer under årens lopp och nu är den alkaliska dieten som gäller.
- Jag älskar den här hälsosamma kosten, skriver Beckham på Twitter.

Det började med Atkins-dieten 2004, South Beach-dieten 2007, Dukan-dieten 2011 och nu är det den alkaliska dieten som hyllas av Hollywoodeliten. Målet med dieten är att uppnå den optimala pH-balansen i kroppen med rätt kost som i sin tur medför viktminskning, men även ett mer balanserat inre.

En alkalisk kost innebär livsmedel rikt på vitaminer och mineraler; frukt, grönt, fullkorn, groddar, spenat, nötter, avokado, fisk, sojaprodukter, kokosvatten, naturliga sötningsmedel som Stevia och oliv- och linolja. Viktigt är att även få i sig rikligt med vatten.
Mejeriprodukter, kött och spannmål bör undvikas helt. Dessa produkter är syrabildande livsmedel som rubbar pH-värdet och kan ge upphov till tidigt åldrande, förhöjt blodtryck, viktuppgång och ojämn hormonbalans.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst och Victoria Beckham blev frälsta i den alkaliska dieten efter att ha läst boken "Honestly Healthy". Beckham rekommenderade även boken Twitter.
- Jag älskar den här hälsosamma kosten, skriver Beckham på Twitter.

Rött kött

Tillåtna livsmedel
Sparris, fänkol, blomkål
Spenat, koriander, persilja
Grapefrukt, lime, citron
Päron, äpple,
Avokado, tomat
Lök, vitlök
Fikon, aprikoser, daddlar
Valnötter, mandlar och pekannötter
Kokosvatten, mandelmjölk

Dieten lindrar

Elina Hasslund

Detox Cleanse -the basics

To start you off on the Path to total Wellness, it is essential to clear out the backlog of toxins that have accumulated over many years - get rid of headaches, sluggishness, low mood and unnecessary excess weight, and embark on a new programme that is not a diet, but a Way of Life!
The Cleanse includes an abundance of freshly prepared vegetable juices that are rich in nutrients to support the Liver and Kidneys during their natural cleansing process. These juices are a vital part of the Cleanse as they help to maintain energy production,  clear toxins, rebalance hormones and improve immunity.

Think of Fibre as Nature’s internal toothbrush and, we believe, key to cleansing, so green leafy vegetables, salad leaves and root vegetables served in salads, soups and casseroles are all included.  Soluble fibre, found in whole grains such as buckwheat, brown rice, oats and quinoa are all included in the Cleanse to help ‘sweep’ out the intestines and the ‘plaque’ that builds up on the intestinal wall. Once cleaned, the absorption of nutrients will be greatly increased, you will be bounding with energy, your eyes will be brighter and you will have noticeably increased energy.

We strongly recommend some of Nature’s Superfood nutrients alongside plenty of fresh foods -Spirulina, known for its abundant vitamins and minerals, is also well-documented as a toxin-remover and immune-booster, together with sea vegetables such as Nori and Wakame seaweeds, both rich in iron and metabolism-enhancing nutrients.

Sprouted beans and seeds are considered the very best vegetarian proteins as they are literally ‘living foods’ supplying your body with delicious amino acids - the building blocks of every cell in your body.  Add hempseed, flaxseed, linseed, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, unsalted and unroasted,  for the essential fatty acids to replace the saturated fats found in dairy produce, meats and poultry.

We recommend that you carry out the Cleanse phase for 1-3 weeks, depending on how full of processed foods, sugar and alcohol your current eating regime is!  However, if you are diabetic, or taking prescription medication for any reason at all, please consult your doctor or health specialist before embarking on The Cleanse.

Alkaliska dieten, receptexempel

Steamed baked aubergine

1 Aubergine
1/2 red onion
1/4 tspoon ground ginger
1/4 tspoon caraway seeds
Pinch of pink salt
3 table spoons of sunflower oil

Pre-heat oven to 175 deg

You are going to make a parcel out of baking paper for your aubergine to go in.  Chop your aubergine into approx 3cm half moon pieces.  put into the bottom of the parcel and add your finely sliced red onion ground ginger, salt and caraway seeds and drizzel with sunflower oil.  Cover with baking paper to make your parcel and make sure the ends are all twisted and folded up so no air gets in.

Place in your oven for 35 minutes until soft and buttery to touch. Enjoy as a delicious side dish!

Recipe of the week snippet
Simple delish Aubergine side dish, no fuss just fabulously tasty
Mince pies

1/2 cup dried blueberry
1/2 cup dried sugar free cranberry
1 cup  sultanas
orange rind and half juice
1 lemon rind
1/4 tsp of grated nutmeg
1 tspoon cinnamon
3 tbs agave

1/2 cup rice flour
1/4 cup chick pea flour (gram)
1/4 cup corn flour
4 tbs coconut palm sugar
1/2 cup of 60g vegan butter (Vitagquell)
xantham gum
Pinch Himalayan salt
1/2 tsp vanilla essence



1.Preheat the oven to 170 deg.
2.Cream together in a bowl the butter and sugar and vanilla essence.
3. Mix together in a separate bowl the flours, xantham gum and salt
4. Pour the flour into the butter mixture and mix together with your fingers to form a dough.  Need for a minute and then roll into a ball and wrap in cling film and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

5. Put all the ingredients for the filling in a food processor or blender and pulse until a rough consistency.
6. Layout your muffin tray and line with a little of the vegan butter.
7. Roll out the pastry on a rice-floured surface until 3mm thick. Using a cutter, stamp out rounds, re-rolling the trimmings to get 14. Use to line the base of the tins. Fill each with 1 tablespoon of mincemeat – don’t overfill or it will bubble out during cooking then with a start shaped cutter cut out 14 stars (hearts or any shapes you have!) and place over the top pushing the edges of the stars down to the bottom pastry rim.
8. put into the oven and cook for 15 minutes - take out the oven and leave to cool - dust with some rice flour and enjoy!

Recipe of the week snippet
Guilt free festive kitchen love
Spooky vegan pumpkin chocolate cake

3/4 cup rice flour
1/2 raw cacao
1 cup of pureed pumpkin with 2 tablespoons of pre-made purred date syrup or apple puree
1 cup of sunflower oil
1 t-spoon bicarb, baking powder, xantham gum
1 cup coconut palm sugar
1 cup agave syrup
1 tspoon vanilla essence

Pre-heat oven to 175 deg

Weigh out all the dry ingredients into a bowl.  In a separate bowl mix together the wet ingredients. Slowly mix in the dry into the wet folding and making sure no lumps.

Once mixture is combined pour into a cake tin and bake for 30 minutes until the knife comes out clean.

Either serve as a cake or chop into little squares and enjoy a bite size piece!

Recipe of the week snippet
ridiculously tasty and scarily easy to make....
Best Hot Chocolate EVER!

500ml coconut milk (kara)
2 large table spoons of raw cacao powder
1 handful of raw cashews
2 table spoons of sweetner (brown rice syrup, agave, sweet freedom or honey)

Blend all ingridents in your blender until smooth (vitamix) then pour into a pan and heat on a low heat until its at your desired temperature.  Pour into a mug and slip away into a healthy chocolate coma

Recipe of the week snippet
So easy and simple.... If you need a quick sweet fix or velvety deliciousness in a mug then this is your tipple!
English Vegetable Crumble in a Creamy Thyme Sauce

20g Goats Butter
2 cloves of garlic – fine chop
1 x leek – fine chop
100g celeriac - cubed
50g carrot – cubed
50g courgette – cubed
50g cep (chantarelle mushrooms) - chopped
75g roasted butternut squash – cubed
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

For the white sauce:
40g butter
60g plain spelt flour
300ml unsweetened rice or oat milk
Salt and pepper

100g Oats
50g Barley Flakes
25g Flaked Almonds
50g Goats Butter
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 tsp Himalayan salt

Roast the squash.
Melt the 20g of butter in a saucepan.
Add the garlic and sauté.
Add the leek and cook until soft but not brown.
Add the carrot and celeriac and sauté.
Add the courgette and mushroom. Saute.

In a separate saucepan make a roux with the 40g butter and the flour. Add warm milk slowly and keep stirring to combine until the all the milk has been absorbed and the sauce reaches desired consistency.
Add to the veg and combine well. Add the parsley and season.

Heat a large frying pan.
Add the butter and melt.
Add all the ingredients and stir well to combine.
Take off the heat and allow to cool enough so you can squeeze mix together with your hands.

* Layer the filling mix into a baking dish and sprinkle the crumble on top to desired thickness.
Bake in the oven at approx 160 for 30 mins. Serve with blanched green beans and wilted spinach or a large fresh salad.

Recipe of the week snippet
No need to miss out on a Sunday any more this delicious recipe will keep even the meat eaters happy!
Carrot and halloumi patties

4 large carrots – grated
4 spring onions (40g)
30g coriander
1 lemon
100g Hallumi – grated
1 clove garlic
20g red onion - grated
40g rice flour
2 table spoons of fennel seed
1 eggs white
4 table spoons of olive oil,
2 lime juice
1 t-spoon of agave

In a pan put 2 table spoons of olive oil and add the fennel seed for 3 minutes then take off the heat and put to one side.

Mix all ingredients into a separate bowl with the fennel seed olive oil.  Take a handful of the  mixture and squeeze the moisture out. Then create a small patti and sear till golden on each side. Then put into a pre-heated oven at 175 for 15 minutes.
Serve 3 on a bed of rocket with the lime dressing.

Recipe of the week snippet
Perfect for a summers evening dinner... and even for an afternoon snack if you get peckish!
Chocolate almond cake

150g ground almonds
50g raw cacao powder
200g agave, sweet
freedom or rice syrup
5 eggs
Pre-heat oven to 180 deg fan - separate the eggs by putting the yoke in one bowl and whites in another. Whisk up the egg whites until they have stiff peaks. IN the bowl with the yokes add the agave then the ground almonds and cacao powder. Once all mixed in fold the stiff egg white mixture into the other. Once all incorporated pour mixture into a pre-lined cake tin with baking paper. The mixture should be about 2 inches thick. Put into the oven for 30 minutes then check if it is ready by putting a sharp knife into the centre of the cake. If the knife comes out clean your cake is done! If not leave for another 5 minutes and check again. Leave to cook and cut into slices and serve by itself or with a dollop of cashew cream!
Recipe of the week snippet
This is high in protein and anti-oxidents... so no guilt here!
My morning greenness!

1 handful spinach washed
1/2 cup of papaya
1/4 cup of pear
1 table spoon of soaked chia seeds
1 table spoon of ground flax seeds
1 shot of E3live
1 tspoon spirulina
2 cups of coconut water
Blend and enjoy - serves 3 glasses
Recipe of the week snippet
My super morning green smoothie!
Quinoa & butternut squash with feta and kale

70g quinoa
240g butternut squash (approx ½)
100g red onions
2 table spoons of olive oil
1g cumin
3 boullion
15g parsley coarsely chopped
10g olive oil
50g feta
dash of mirin sauce
3g – sliced garlic
½ lemon juice

Boil water with the boullion stock and quinoa for 15 minutes. Till the tales ‘sprout’ this is then done.
De-skin the butternut squash and dice. Chop the onions into large chunks and put onto a baking tray with olive oil in a pre-heated oven 170 deg. Cook for 20 minutes.

In a separate pan – boil the water with a lot of salt in it.  Dunk the kale into the boiling salty water for 2 minutes then drain.  While the kale was boiling in a pan put the olive oil and sliced garlic and leave to simmer for 3 minutes so that it infuses into the oil.  The pour this over the kale and a squeeze of lemon.

Add the parsley olive oil, mirin and pepper to the quinoa and then serve the squash onions and kale by the side and sprinkle the feta over the top.

Recipe of the week snippet
This is so quick and easy to make and full of nutritious goodness. This is your alkaline friendly dish with kale and butternut squash.
Curried Sweet Potato With Fresh Herbs

350g of sweet potato
2 finely chopped white onions
1 cup freshly chopped coriander
1 cup freshly chopped parsley
1/2 cup cold-pressed organic extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp finely minced ginger
2 Tbsp finely minced garlic
2 tsp brown mustard seeds
2 tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp ground curry powder
1/2 - 1 tsp Celtic sea salt
Lightly steam the sweet potato until tender. You don't want it too soft or it will become a mushy ball when mixed together.
Heat the oil in a wok on high heat and stir-fry the mustard seeds until they just pop.
Now add in the turmeric, curry powder, ginger and garlic .
Stir in the sea salt and onions and cook until the onions are translucent.
Chop up your coriander and parsley in the food processor and stir through the mixture.
Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl and fold through the sweet potato, yams or pumpkin until uniformly coated with the mixture.
Serve with rice
Recipe of the week snippet
This is cheep and easy to make - perfect for a dinner with friends - try serving with a vibrant fresh salad
Wild Mushroom Brown Rice Risotto

150g Brown Arborio Rice
50g goats butter
130g chopped onion
30g finely chopped celery
10 g chopped garlic
5 sprigs fresh thyme
3 leaves fresh sage
45g sliced fresh porcini mushroom
90g dried wild mushrooms (re-hydrate in 500ml of warm water)
50g roasted butternut squash (cubed)
1 tsp lemon zest
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp salt
Black pepper
Heat a saucepan and melt the butter.
Add the garlic, thyme and sage.
Add the onion and sauté.
Add the celery and sauté
Add the rice and stir. Cook until the rice goes transparent. Keep stirring.
Drain the soaking mushrooms. Keep the liquid.
Add the porcini and dried mushrooms to the pan. Stir and sauté.
Add a little of the liquid and stir well. Keep doing this as the rice absorbs the water and stir every minute or so.
This rice takes approx 1 hour to cook to a risotto consistency, so add the liquid slowly and stir often.
* To finish add a knob of goats butter and some of the roasted squash.
To serve pile into a bowl and top with the remaining squash, parsley and lemon zest.

Recipe of the week snippet
This delicious warming risotto is packed full of vitamin D from the mushrooms... we call it the sunshine dish!

Fit for summer 2012

LilySlim Weight charts