onsdag 6 februari 2013

Detox Cleanse -the basics

To start you off on the Path to total Wellness, it is essential to clear out the backlog of toxins that have accumulated over many years - get rid of headaches, sluggishness, low mood and unnecessary excess weight, and embark on a new programme that is not a diet, but a Way of Life!
The Cleanse includes an abundance of freshly prepared vegetable juices that are rich in nutrients to support the Liver and Kidneys during their natural cleansing process. These juices are a vital part of the Cleanse as they help to maintain energy production,  clear toxins, rebalance hormones and improve immunity.

Think of Fibre as Nature’s internal toothbrush and, we believe, key to cleansing, so green leafy vegetables, salad leaves and root vegetables served in salads, soups and casseroles are all included.  Soluble fibre, found in whole grains such as buckwheat, brown rice, oats and quinoa are all included in the Cleanse to help ‘sweep’ out the intestines and the ‘plaque’ that builds up on the intestinal wall. Once cleaned, the absorption of nutrients will be greatly increased, you will be bounding with energy, your eyes will be brighter and you will have noticeably increased energy.

We strongly recommend some of Nature’s Superfood nutrients alongside plenty of fresh foods -Spirulina, known for its abundant vitamins and minerals, is also well-documented as a toxin-remover and immune-booster, together with sea vegetables such as Nori and Wakame seaweeds, both rich in iron and metabolism-enhancing nutrients.

Sprouted beans and seeds are considered the very best vegetarian proteins as they are literally ‘living foods’ supplying your body with delicious amino acids - the building blocks of every cell in your body.  Add hempseed, flaxseed, linseed, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, unsalted and unroasted,  for the essential fatty acids to replace the saturated fats found in dairy produce, meats and poultry.

We recommend that you carry out the Cleanse phase for 1-3 weeks, depending on how full of processed foods, sugar and alcohol your current eating regime is!  However, if you are diabetic, or taking prescription medication for any reason at all, please consult your doctor or health specialist before embarking on The Cleanse.

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