onsdag 6 februari 2013

Alkaliska dieten -livstilen

The Lifestyle

Once you have completed 1-3 weeks of the Cleanse Phase, you can then move onto the Lifestyle, which includes a much broader range of foods. We at HH say that you don’t have to eat perfectly ALL the time, but knowing how to eat in balance is the key.
There is nothing better than home-cooked food - this is the only way to ensure that you know that what you putting in your mouth is fresh, and not adulterated with additives, sweeteners and preservatives.

The use of herbs and spices is not just for flavour - each has it’s own medicinal and healing properties, and we show you just how potent these can be. Whether its ginger root or powder to stimulate, or chamomile to relax, turmeric to boost immunity or chilli peppers to stimulate metabolism, these tasty accompaniments all have a role to play in your health.

In the Lifestyle, we encourage you to plan your day around when you eat rather than the o ther way round! This will enhance your productivity, whether at home or work. Research has shown that moving away from your desk to focus on your midday meal for at least half-an-hour will more than double your productivity.

Eating for exercise is another key point in The Lifestyle. It is no co-incidence that the CEO’s of both small and large businesses are the primary high-level exercisers, so we at HH encourage you to bring regular exercise into your daily life to encourage the release of endorphins and increase serotonin production that helps improve mood.

Managing stress levels through eating the appropriate wholesome and nourishing foods is far better than eating poorly or drinking excessively, both of which only serve
to depress you further. At HH we run by the mantra: and alcohol your current eating regime is!  However, if you are diabetic, or taking prescription medication for any reason at all, please consult your doctor or health specialist before embarking on The Cleanse.

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